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gedanken Many thanks for sharing your thoughts discussing about German and English in my blog. I think the solution is best for all.

People who want to read all articles do not have to change anything.

People only willing to read English language articles have to choose this URL and need to use the corresponding feed in case they use a feedreader. You have to replace the square brackets with the html-entities,opening square bracket [ and the closing one ].

Hope you like it.


Dirks Logbuch am : Ende von Deutsch / Englisch ...

Vorschau anzeigen
Ich habe vor einigen Monaten den Tag "english" und den Tag "deutsch" eingeführt. Da niemand diese Tags nutzt und ich irgendwie auch kaum Sachen in Englisch schreibe, schalte ich sie wieder ab. Damit werden die "ähnlichen Themen", die unter den Postings zu


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Seraphyn am :

*Let my say it in a Bill Lumbergh-style:
"Yeahhhh, uhmmmm, okayyyyy.... will there be a TPS report for this with the coversheet orrr....."
Let us see if its dovetails nicely.
Hope important messages will be in "dual mode"
Keep up the good work
Seraphyn :-)

Dirk Deimeke am :

*Yes, I think about posting important messages to both "tags". Maybe until my laziness wins. ;.-)

simon am :

*ich glaube du hast einen copy/paste fehler beim link

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