The new Backend of Serendipity ...
I recommend viewing this video if you plan to update to the all new Serendipity 2.0.0 (Attention: It is still beta!).
There are some points which you might miss without introduction.
A new Youtube-Star is born, let us welcome Matthias Mees.
There are some points which you might miss without introduction.
A new Youtube-Star is born, let us welcome Matthias Mees.
Ansicht der Kommentare: Linear | Verschachtelt
Matthias Mees am :
Dirk Deimeke am :
Matthias Mees am :
Dirk Deimeke am :
Wer ist Bob Ross?
Matthias Mees am :
Dirk Deimeke am :
Vielen Dank für die Aufklärung.